Marin Man to Man is a drop-in, dues-free support
group open to any male whose partner has, or has had, breast
cancer or another life-threatening disease.
The group, which marked its 25th year in 2018, meets weekly from 9:30 a.m. each Wednesday until 11 or 11:15. Pre-pandemic, it met in-person for breakfast at the Courtyard Marriott in Larkspur Landing; for the time being, sessions are limited to Zoom. A link can be obtained by contacting Woody Weingarten, facilitator, at 415-459-3434.
Years ago, the group expanded its emphasis. It now buoys not only men dealing with breast cancer but guys whose partners have had other serious, sometimes fatal, illnesses.
Although the members are apt to
talk about — and even laugh about
— virtually anything, their
emphasis is on making newcomers, and each other, feel less isolated,
uncertain, misunderstood or afraid.
Marin Man to Man meets to exchange views,
concerns and information. It has no medical facilitator, but the common
interests of the group and respect for each other create a mutual
The men provide an easygoing, compassionate
forum in which each member can discuss and understand the difficulties
of being a prime caregiver.
Long-term members share how they have strived
to be supportive and loving, and how each man can reassure his
partner that both she and their relationship are likely to survive. Current
members share, too, how to cope with the frustration of their
needs often coming second to those of their partners.
Marin Man to Man provides a non-judgmental environment
that lets new attendees learn from those who are — or have been
— in similar places.
More information is available by writing
Woody Weingarten at info@Marin-Man-to-Man.org or voodee@sbcglobal.net (or by calling him at 415-459-3434.) |